Medication Refills/Prescriptions

Running Low On Your Medicines? Have Trouble Getting To The Doctor’s Offices

Our mobile urgent care allows you to get the medication refills you need. It is important to stay on a schedule when taking medications. Therefore, refilling your medications on time is vital. Also, it’s important to have certain blood tests ran when on medication. Some medication causes negative side effects. That is why completing blood work on a regular basis when taking medication is important.

The good news NP Mobile Medicine does house calls. This saves you the time and inconvenience of making a trip to the doctor’s office.  It’s a good option if you can’t see your doctor soon enough or you have difficulty traveling. However, our services do not replace your primary care. You are encouraged to visit your doctor on a regular basis.

Contact NP Mobile Medicine for at-home medication refills. We do house calls to save you time and money.

Simply schedule an appointment for a time and place that works best for you: